Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What an ordeal!!



We went today to get the state required safety and emissions testing done today, what started out as a no problem we got this day, turned into a bit of a mess.


We got up this morning at 9 a.m. which is early for this night owl, drank a couple cups of coffee, and loaded up….here we go, this wont take long and we might just be able to get to Weatherford to do the title and tags….


We got to a fuel station and put more gas in it, got back in and it would not turn over….I guess it needed a new battery or a jump, but only one person we know lives in the area, and his jumper cables were in the other car…..finally Terry said to call him back and see if he would come take him to get a new battery….he did, they did and we got it installed and back on the road. 


We got to McClains to get the RV inspected, only to find out its too old for their equipment, but that a station down the road would do it, which was funny, because as we passed by Ballards I had thought we should just go there…LOL!!  I worked for one of the Ballards a decade ago and it was the station owned by his brother. 


We had to wait a bit because there was a vehicle in the bay already, so we sat and had a chat with everyone in the office, which was fun.


A bit later the inspection guy came in, Terry and he went for a short drive, and back they were, to check the lights…….oops, one clearance light did not work and that would cause it to fail.  Here we go, another fix to be done.


We did see the Ballard I worked for all those years ago, but he was busy and I am sure he did not see us. 


We now have a new clearance light, at the cost of about $7.00 and tomorrow being a new day we will get up early and go get her done!  Its all the little things, but I always say, don’t sweat the petty stuff, and don’t pet the sweaty stuff!

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