I was sitting outside after work, and they had not left Gainesville Tx yet, they needed to stop and get gas…well, it was gas for 2 vehicles, and of course gas pumps are set to automatically stop at a preset amount when you pay with your debit or credit card, most are at a very small total when you consider a RV has a huge gas tank. $75.00 was the limit, so after putting $40.00 in the Jeep, they started putting gas in the RV, and it stopped after $35.00. Terry tried to use the card to restart the pump, but it was denied. He was not a happy camper, pun intended. They drove to another station, where the card was again denied. Cue the phone call, telling me about it. Plus, we now owed Jay $80.00, so cue me going to the ATM. While I was there I thought let me see what in the world is going on. I guess it was a security feature…we will be going inside to pay for fuel for the RV in the future.
That really was not the OOPS factor, that is coming up. Terry and Jay made it back to my work soon after that, it was a great feeling looking at the highway and seeing our RV and knowing it was in our possession!
We got the RV to the house, and because of the previous nights rain, could not put it where we wanted to, so it was parked on the side street, which is very narrow, one of our neighbors parks on the street too, so it really made for a squeeze when someone would drive through….cue another neighbor, and the discussion to move the RV to the other street in front of the house. Yeah, sounds like a good idea…..but where I thought Terry was going to park was not where he thought he was going to park…..remember how I said it had rained the night before, well it was a very soaking rain, about 2 to 3 inches fell that night…..enough to saturate the dry ground, Texas had really been under a severe drought the previous summer and it had continued through the winter, or as we put it, through the entire Indian Summer, I think we had 2 days of winter! As the RV came around the corner, and pulled up to the house, it kept going past the area I thought he was parking it in….he pulled it up to be almost in front of the house, but put the passenger side wheels on the yard, where they promptly sank! That is the OOPS! We really tried to get it unstuck, but nope..it was not going to move. The next day we called and got a big wrecker to come out and tug it out, to the tune of $150.00. An expensive lesson, but one that was learned! This picture was after we got it home.
This is when they had the chain attached to the RV.
Its out!
The nice rut left in the front of the house!
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