Sunday, April 6, 2014

They say God


Looks after fools and suckers….


As I said before I renamed this blog “The Misadventures of Terry and Lynn” because of all the events that have happened to us in our travels.  Just the other day, of course, while traveling, the misadventure continued….even my son Chris said “oh the wonderful and misadventures of Lynn and Terry”  See he knows!


It all began on a nice April evening and we had decided to go into the town of Sweetwater Tx to plan out our next leg of the trip.  Somewhere between the RV and the Wal Mart, we developed a gash in the lower radiator hose and lost all the coolant in the engine and radiator.  Of course, we found a different issue, and fixed that, thinking all would be good.  We continued on our trip to the great land of WIFI so that we could look up routes etc.  The clatter from under the hood seemed a bit better so we figured a tad bit of oil and all would be good.  We started back to the RV and about 4 miles down the road it was horrible, there was no way we were going to make it back to the RV with the Jeep under its own power, so thankfully, I am the biggest brat when it comes to having things like smart phones, tablets, computers, I was able to look up a tow company and get the vehicle back to where we needed to be.


The next morning is when the gash was discovered and the fear of our little nest egg being depleted.  We were not telling each other but the fear of the engine being wasted was in the forefront of our thoughts.  We decided to continue on our way to Carlsbad NM.  We got there that evening and looked at each other and said what neither of us really wanted to…..what are we going to do if the motor is wasted?  Do we want to continue to Carlsbad Caverns and then to the next stop that we had mapped out, or bypass that to go to our friends in Alamogordo NM that have a big garage and the tools needed to replace the motor…well we made the decision to go on to our friends.  It was the best one we could have made, because how could we enjoy the Caverns and the Guadalupe Mountain range if we were concerned about the Jeep?  We couldn’t to be honest.


Saturday we arrive in Alamogordo and Terry gets the bright idea to see if the Jeep would start…(it whined at us on Friday morning and sounded like it was giving up the ghost) and it did….shocking all of us, because all 4 of us just knew we were going to have to replace the engine… today, Terry and Jerry did a replacement of the lower hose, added water, and ran the engine…there is no oil in the water, no water in the oil, and no need to replace a motor.  God does indeed look after fools and suckers, I still have not decided which we are yet.

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