We have been so busy the past week and a half, but its all for a good reason.
Today was day one of our last garage sale, two more to go, and it was a good day, we are selling things cheap, so its going.
Today we sold a lot of the furniture we had, the dresser with mirror is gone, the end tables are gone, the book cases, the dining room table, and the recliner are all gone, just a few big items left, along with a lot of small items, but we decided if it doesn’t sell, we have decided to call a women’s shelter and donate it to them, we would rather see it go and be used, instead of the trash.
I still have to go through the things I wanted to keep and still downsize, because again, its all just stuff! Its all sentimental things though and it will break my heart, but I have been able to keep things that mean something to me, and I will be keeping it forever, even if we don’t “use” it, because of sentiment. I have learned that even if you try to keep the mentality of “its just stuff” there are things that you just cant get rid of, things from our wedding, pictures of the kids as they are growing up, the dart trophy from when my team got first place in the league, just little things but it means way too much to me to let go.
So under the RV we will have stuff, sentimental stuff, but stuff…..you just cant let everything go.
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